mercoledì 27 maggio 2015


"Excerpt From Article About Elena On "Bored"
These wonderful photographs by Elena Shumilova plunge the viewer into a beautiful world that revolves around two boys and their adorable dog, cat, duckling and rabbit friends. Taking advantage of natural colors, weather conditions and her enchanting surroundings, the gifted Russian artist creates cozy and heartwarming photography that will leave you amazed.
The boys in the photographs are the photographer’s sons and the animals belong to the farm she runs. “I largely trust my intuition and inspiration when I compose photos. I get inspired mainly by my desire to express something I feel, though I usually cannot tell exactly what that is” Shumilova explained to BoredPanda.
Rural settings, natural phenomena and the changing seasons seem to be the greatest stimuli in her works. “When shooting I prefer to use natural light – both inside and outside. I love all sorts of light conditions – street lights, candle light, fog, smoke, rain and snow – everything that gives visual and emotional depth to the image,” the photographer said.
Shumilova told us her passion for photography manifested in early 2012 when she got her first camera. Her most recent equipment includes the Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera and a 135mm lens. As a mother who doesn’t want to miss out on her growing children, she says she shoots every day and processes the images at night. 
Elena Shumilova vive a Andreapol, in una fattoria in Russia. Due anni fa riceve in regalo la sua prima macchina fotograficaprofessionale, una Canon Eos 5D, con cui – come ogni madre – comincia a catturare attimo per attimo la crescita dei suoi due bambini. 

Abitando in campagna i piccoli hanno un folto gruppo di amici, composto da 
cani, gatti, paperelle, conigli... Con cui si è instaurato da subito un forte legame, che continua a crescere e che è testimoniato dagli scatti di Elena che compongono la raccolta Wild Boy e che stanno facendo il giro del web. vanityfair

All images © Elena Shumilova 

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