lunedì 28 marzo 2016


Amleto Francisco Bocci  was born in Buenos Aires in February of 1926. A widow with two sons, Silvia and Eduardo and four grand children, he is a retired batteries technician.
Amleto considers himself born photographically in 1951, when he joined Foto Club Argentina (FCA) and started shooting monochrome. He served as FCA President from1965-67 and was the Argentine Federation of Photography (FAF) Vice President from 1968-70. Amleto was a member of the FAF Artistic Committee, 1968-2001, and of Foto Club Buenos Aires (FCBA) in 1967. He has served as a Judge in many National Exhibitions organized by FAF and International Exhibitions organized by FCA and FCBA under FIAP and/or PSA Recognition. He has been a PSA Member since 1970.  He received his Honors and Hon.EFIAP in 1978; his EPSA in 2000; MFIAP in 2003; his MFAF in 2009, and his MPSA in 2012.
In almost 40 years of International activity, he received about 3500 acceptances and about 400 prizes in trophies, medals and HMs. His twenty-picture Dossier-Portfolio sent to FIAP to get Master designation, was published inFrance Photographie, the official publication of the Fédération Photographique de France, in April 2004, with a title comment on the front page "Au Coeur de la Photographie Argentine et Numerique." psa-photo

All images © Amleto F. Bocci

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