mercoledì 21 settembre 2016


“I was born in 1977 in Marosvásárhely.  I live in Mosonmagyaróvár – western Hungary
I am taking part regularly in national and international photo competitions and exhibitions since 2004
My pictures have been shown in more than 60 countries, on five continents, and I won over 850 prizes and awards, in international and national photo contests
I take  mainly portrait-, social life-, and nature photographs
From 2009 I take part regularly in different national and international photo contests like jury member or like president of the jury
Photos appeared in many publications ( books, magazines, catalogs, albums, newspapers, etc. )
I am member of MAFOSZ –
My photo reports and articles reagulary appear in A Földgömb (The Globe) magazine, where I am regular author”

All images © István Kerekes 

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