domenica 2 ottobre 2016


Gonzalo Borondo was born in Spain 1989. He grew up in Segovia where his mother let him paint the hallway of his house and his father spent his life restoring Christs and Holy Maries. In 2003 he moves to Madrid where he strengthens his relationship with Graffiti. Some years after he starts visiting the studio of his “master” Jose Garcia Herranz. There he discovers the pleasure of experiment with different techniques and studies the old masters of painting. Borondo studies in Madrid and Rome Academies of Fine Art but never finishes. With just 18 years old he participates at his first art festival in Istambul and since then he’s done personal exhibitions in cities such as Rome, Madrid, Paris and London while working throughout Europe, in the public spaces, his favourite gallery.

Un artista poliedrico, che spazia tra vari supporti e tecniche artistiche. Opere sempre diverse, permeate da una grande espressività, ma anche da inquietudine. Perché la vita è fatta di incomunicabilità. E, quindi, di malinconia. Gonzalo Borondo, è un talento inarrestabile. Spagnolo di Segovia, classe 1989, ha frequentato l’istituto artistico e la Complutence di Madrid, scegliendo poi Roma come meta Erasmus. A soli 18 anni partecipa al suo primo Festival di Street Art ad Istanbul, ottenendo un grande successo e consacrandosi artista di fama mondiale. dailystorm

 ‘Les Trois Ages’, Paris, France, 2014 - © JérômeThomas/ADAGP

 ‘Ophelia’ in collaboration with Carmen Maìn, London 2014 - © Benedetta PamPhotos

 ‘Project Paisaje Tetuàn’, Madrid, Spain, 2013 - © Fernando Escribano

 ‘SHAME’, Athens, Greece, 2013 © courtesy of Borondo


 credit: Fabiano Caputo

 Hay Stacks, Cotignola, Italy, 2013 - © Marco Miccoli

 Mirage una gigantesca installazione di 10 conteiner, che hanno creato la superficie ideale dove il genio spagnolo ha fatto emergere un sala regale con trono

 'Piedad. M.A.A.M' - Roma 2013

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