giovedì 18 marzo 2010


Jean Hérard Celeur was trained as a sculptor by his brother. At first he was involved in more traditional sculpture but gradually his work became more subjective.


His most powerful piece to date is in the permanent collection of the Frost Art Museum. The work evokes the horsemen of the Apocalypse, three skulls crown three skeletal equine contraptions made from motor-bike chassis’, the central figure thrusting a massive thick wooden carved phallus. The piece is bristling with menace, anger and a dark sexuality evoking the triple tragedies of AIDS, political oppression and poverty. ‘My work has social aspects, intellectual aspects and represents the people's demands for change. I live in the reality that deals with poverty everyday which informs my work all the time.’











Born in 1966 in P-au-P, Haiti

Group Exhibitions:

1998 JAMA art fair, P-au-P, Haiti
1999 Maison du Tourisme, P-au-P, Haiti
2000 JAMA art fair, P-au-P, Haiti
2001 Baka, Monstres et Chimeres, Centre Culturel AFRICAMERICA, P-au-P, Haiti
2002 Hotel de Ville, P-au-P, Haiti
2002 2th Forum Transculturel d'art contemporain, Musee d'Art Haitien, P-au-P, Haiti
2003 Sculptures Urbaines, Banque Centrale de la Barbade, Barbade
2003 Musee de l'Independance, P-au-P, Haiti
2004 Sculptures Urbaines, Banque Centrale de la Barbade, Barbade
2004 Lespri Endepandan, Discovering Haitian Sculpture, Frost Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, USA
2004 3th Forum Transculturel d'Art Contemporain, Centre Culturel AFRICAMERICA, P-au-P, Haiti
2004 KAFOU, Institut Francais d'Haiti, P-au-P, Haiti
2005 Fete de la Sculpture, Institut Francais d'Haiti, P-au-P, Hait
2006 4th Forum Transculturel d'Art Contemporain, Musee du Pantheon National
2006 Freedom Sculpture Launch, Musee d'Art Haitien, P-au-P, Haiti
2006 Freedom Sculpture, Touring the UK
2006 The Sculptors of Grand Rue, The Foundry, London, UK
2007 Fete de la Sculpture, Institut Francais d'Haiti, P-au-P, Haiti
2007 Vodou Riche, Colombia College, Chicago, USA
2008 MEG, Geneva, Switzerland
2009 2009 Mythologies, Haunch of Venison, London

2009 Kreyol Factory, Parc de la Villette, Paris


Permanent Collection of the Frost Art Museum at Florida International University

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