sabato 12 marzo 2011


Un tempo in Haiti, sotto l'ex dittatore Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier, la peggior sorte per un prigioniero era quella di essere portato a Fort Dimanche, meglio conosciuto come Fort morte, una prigione di Port-au-Prince dove i detenuti erano regolarmente picchiati e torturati. Il carcere di Fort Dimanche, dove le condizioni di vita erano disumane sotto il regime, oggi è un quartiere residenziale denominato "Democrazia Village." Duvalier è tornato dall'esilio il mese scorso ed è stato interrogato dalle autorità prima di essere rilasciato. I suoi critici lo accusano di aver rubato dal Ministero del Tesoro durante il suo governo e di aver commesso crimini contro l'umanità. La vecchia generazione di Haiti ricorda fin troppo bene la repressione durata 29 anni di "Baby Doc" e di suo padre "Papa Doc" Duvalier-Francois in un'epoca dominata dai sinistri Tonton Macoutes, facenti parte della polizia segreta. La gente ancora racconta le storie di vittime che venivano rinchiuse, torturate e uccise a Fort Dimanche, il famigerato carcere che è conosciuto come il " Gulag haitiano " o "Dungeon of Death.

Girls study at the volunteer-taught school La Saline inside Fort Dimanche, once a prison where many Haitians believe the late dictator Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier tortured his enemies, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Boys spar with cardboard bats and homemade masks in front of the ruins of a building on the site of the Fort Dimanche prison. The area is now a residential neighborhood called "Democracy Village". Duvalier returned from exile earlier this month and was questioned by authorities before being released. His critics accuse him of stealing from the treasury during his rule and for crimes against humanity. (Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images)

A child watches Haitian women making their living in Fort Dimanche. A prisoners worst fate was to be dragged off to Fort Dimanche, better known as Fort Death. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images

Children gather outside their tin hut at Fort Dimanche, once a prison where many Haitians believe the late dictator Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier tortured his enemies. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

The remains of posters depicting former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide decorate a first-floor wall of a building on the site of the Fort Dimanche prison. The first floor is used as a pig pen and communal bathroom while the second floor is an active school. (Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images)

A man carries a girl over a patch of mud past the ruins of a building on the site of the Fort Dimanche prison. Duvalier returned from exile earlier this month and was questioned by authorities before being released. His critics accuse him of stealing from the treasury during his rule and for crimes against humanity. (Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images)

Boys play soccer in the ruins of a building on the site of the Fort Dimanche prison, where many were held in inhumane conditions under the regime of Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier. (Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images)

A woman combs a teenager's hair in Fort Dimanche, in Puerto Principe, Port-au-Prince. A prisoner's worst fate was to be dragged off to Fort Dimanche were inmates were routinely beaten and tortured, under former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier regime, survivors recall. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images

A girl walks by mud cakes in Fort Dimanche, in Puerto Principe, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images

Haitian women make their living in Fort Dimanche in Puerto Principe, Port-au-Prince. Duvalier returned from exile earlier this month and was questioned by authorities before being released. His critics accuse him of stealing from the treasury during his rule and for crimes against humanity. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images

A man collects plastic bottles near the entrance to Dimanche. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images

Girls play at the volunteer-taught school La Saline inside Fort Dimanche, once a prison where many Haitians believe the late dictator Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier tortured his enemies, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

A child jumps over a puddle at Fort Dimanche. A prisoner's worst fate was to be dragged off to Fort Dimanche. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images


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