giovedì 22 settembre 2011


Classe ‘81, Dillon Marsh è un fotografo che vive e lavora a Città del Capo, Quelle che seguono sono le  immagini del Gange sino alle sue origini sul ghiacciaio Gaumukh.

“In 2008 I traveled for three weeks in India. I had the Ganges river by my side for most of my journey as I followed it to its source.”

clip_image001A boat on the river

clip_image002A man jumping into the Ganges (Varanasi, 2008)

clip_image003Buffalo wading in the shallows

clip_image004An aerial view of Varanasi and the Ganges

clip_image005Boys jump from a partly submerged shrine into the river, Varanasi

clip_image006A row boat on the swollen Ganges River (Varanasi, 2008)

clip_image007A candle seller and her child pictured in Rishikesh soon before a verbal argument broke out between her and other hawkers  
clip_image008A woman crosses a bridge over the river in Uttarkashi

clip_image009The Ganges flowing rapidly through the town of Gangotri

clip_image010The waterfall in Gangotri

clip_image011The river leading to Gaumukh glacier with the Shiviling peaks in the distance

clip_image012Gaumukh glacier, the source of the Ganges

all images © dillon marsh

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