lunedì 10 ottobre 2011


Parliamo dell’Aqua Tower di Chicago, il grattacielo disegnato da Jeanne Gang, fondatrice dello Studio Gang Architects, composto per oltre la metà da progettiste.


The balconies of Jeanne Gang's Aqua Tower in Chicago, a 82-storey skyscraper that is becoming a landmark in chicago's architectural landscape.
Convenzionale in pianta, l’Aqua Tower sviluppa sinuose e inaspettate geometrie disegnate dalle terrazze all’esterno che percorrono l’intero perimetro dell’edificio su ciascun piano, offrendo una magnifica vista sulla città e fra i vicini edifici. A conferire alla struttura la sua geometria scultorea è un sistema verticale definito sulla base di riflessioni relative ad elementi quali la vista e l’ombreggiamento. Realizzate a sbalzo, le terrazze presentano infatti forme differenti da piano a piano. Forme che, osservate nell’insieme, offrono la sensazione di un edificio che si muove seguendo un percorso ondulatorio costante.

ONEIDA, WISCONCIN, NOV 15, 2010 : WARREN SKENADORE ,  87 years old, WW2 veteran, received the Legion d'Honneur from the french government for his service to liberate France in 1944-45.  WARREN was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne and fought from Normandy to Germany (including the Battle of the Bulge) til the end of the war on May 8th, 1945. Warren is native american, from the Oneida Nation in Northern Wisconcin and was in the service for 3 years.  (Photo Jean-Marc Giboux)
ONEIDA, WISCONCIN, NOV 15, 2010 : WARREN SKENADORE ,  87 years old, WW2 veteran, received the Legion d'Honneur from the french government for his service to liberate France in 1944-45.  WARREN was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne and fought from Normandy to Germany (including the Battle of the Bulge) til the end of the war on May 8th, 1945. Warren is native american, from the Oneida Nation in Northern Wisconcin and was in the service for 3 years.  (Photo Jean-Marc Giboux)
WADSWORTH, ILLINOIS, USA, NOVEMBER 10, 2010 : Wayne Gerdes (photo Jean-Marc Giboux for The Times)
ONEIDA, WISCONCIN, NOV 15, 2010 : WARREN SKENADORE ,  87 years old, WW2 veteran, received the Legion d'Honneur from the french government for his service to liberate France in 1944-45.  WARREN was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne and fought from Normandy to Germany (including the Battle of the Bulge) til the end of the war on May 8th, 1945. Warren is native american, from the Oneida Nation in Northern Wisconcin and was in the service for 3 years.  (Photo Jean-Marc Giboux)

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