venerdì 8 giugno 2012


Paulo Amorim photographer

I´m a brazilian photographer, baseded in Amsterdam, I work as contribuitor for , El Mundo (Spain),Imago Sport (Germany), Latinphoto (Suize) Veja Magazine,Agencia Estado( Brazil ), . I like to make documentaries and I photograph facts.
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clip_image001[1]Blood Sprinkled Earth - One of the leaders of the MST, with his family, in the camp, with the flag of the movement.

clip_image002[1]Blood Sprinkled Earth - Child in front of the school of the camp.

clip_image003Blood Sprinkled Earth - Meeting with components of the movement.

clip_image004Blood Sprinkled Earth - Woman of the movement on the road, selling vegetables and other food, returning from work.

clip_image005Blood Sprinkled Earth - Component of the MST, during an occupation of an unproductive "fazenda" (large farm).

clip_image006Blood Sprinkled Earth - Convocation for a protest, and reunion of the movement.

clip_image007Blood Sprinkled Earth - Woman crying the death of her son, assassinated by the military police, during the massacre of El Dorado do Carajás.

clip_image008[1]Blood Sprinkled Earth - Component of the MST - in their means of transport, on the road and in the fazendas.

clip_image009Blood Sprinkled Earth - Burial of one of the leaders, assassinated by "fazendeiros" (great landowners), in the south of Pará.

clip_image010Blood Sprinkled Earth - Return from work – next to a cross remembering the assassinated members

clip_image011Blood Sprinkled Earth - Women of the camp, separating rice with their children.

clip_image012Blood Sprinkled Earth - Means of transportion to sell products, also used to take the children to school.

clip_image013Blood Sprinkled Earth - Children playing during break at school

clip_image014[1]Blood Sprinkled Earth - Component of the MST during the flood of the Tocantins river, in the south of Pará

clip_image015Blood Sprinkled Earth - Women toilet of the camp - made of straw.

clip_image016[1]Blood Sprinkled Earth - Woman farmer of the MST - being afraid that the military police returns.

clip_image017Blood Sprinkled Earth - Young worker during the harvest of corn.

clip_image018Blood Sprinkled Earth - A MST member smiling, and showing the low health condition and dentist needs, in the camp.

clip_image019Blood Sprinkled Earth - Farmer sprinkling the corn plantations, by hand.

clip_image020[1]Blood Sprinkled Earth - Children playing in front of their houses, with parrot.

clip_image021Blood Sprinkled Earth - Burial of another leader of the Without Land.

clip_image022Blood Sprinkled Earth - Very young mother, and pregnant again, waiting for transportation next to the road.

clip_image023carvoeiros amazonia - Two children playing during fabrication of charcoal in Paragominas
South east of the Para Estate in Brazil. Aug. 1997photo by Paulo Amorim

clip_image024carvoeiros amazonia - Workers during fabrication of charcoal in Paragominas
South east of the Para Estate in Brazil. Aug. 1997photo by Paulo Amorim

clip_image025[1]quilombo amazonia - Young woman breath feeding her child in Quilombo do Curiau extreme north of the Amapa in Brazil Oct. 1991

clip_image026[1]quilombo amazonia - A boy takes a bath in Quilombo of Curiau amazonia Amapa Estate extreme north of the Brazil Jun. 1990 PHOTO PAULO AMORIM
All fotos © Paulo Amorim

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