lunedì 9 luglio 2012



Be Naga is to be out of the world , despoil of any material thing, no sexuality ,with a itinerant life are considered the most holy and revered among the sadhu sects. Called naked ones Nagas is the last level of Saniasi, the most radical ascetic life in India.
Nagas whose traditions date back more than 2000 years had the ancient mission to defend Hinduism against the menace of new religious for that they were called “ascetic warriors”.
During my week in Juna Akhara I met fascinatingly bizarre characters, many of whom have taken on various penances as signs of ultimate devotion and mental control: Naga Baba Ramara Giriyi remains in silent for the last 6 years, Naga Baba Amar Bharti has been raised his arm for the last 27 years, some others never sleep lie donw always stand up…In my days with the Nagas I was questioned,, blessed, dismissed, and hustled. I was offered spiritual advice, tea, charas of hashish more times than I can count

 Naga sadhus preparing a charas. Ard Kumb Mela in Allahabad 2007  Naga sadhus smoking a charas. Ard Kumb Mela in Allahabad 2007 clip_image003 clip_image004 clip_image005 clip_image006 clip_image007 clip_image008

FERNANDO MOLERES (Bilbao, 1963) photo-documentalist, based in Barcelona.

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