domenica 31 marzo 2013


Tinyan Chan was born in Hin Kwong Village, Go Yew Country, Kwangtung, China, in 1942. He was the youngest in a family of artists. Tinyan studied at the Canton Academy of Fine Art and eventually moved to Hong King to set up a studio with his brother. A few years later he was accepted to study at the prestigious L’Ecole National Superieure des Beaux-Art in Paris. He credits this experience as a primary factor with the development of his art. During this time, Tinyan was inspired by the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masters Renoir, Monet, and Van Gogh. He found a release in color. From his beautiful landscapes and floral still life’s to magnificent harbors scenes, Tinyan has captured the drama of simple life in his oil paintings.
Tinyan Moved to  Canada in 1968. He has become the country’s most renowned artist and one of the prestigious members of the Federation of Canadian Artists. His work is internationally shown and widely collected. A collection of his original oil paintings is on display and available for purchase at the Marshall LeKae Fine Art Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Tinyan is a master painter of the highest caliber, his work reflects the diverse cultural influences in his life. Despite the diversity within the body of his work, Tinyan’s brilliant balance of Eastern and Western components serves as a stylistic link between oil and traditional Chinese brush painting.

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 clip_image012Hong Kong at Sunset

clip_image013Victoria Harbor Waterfront,

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Winter Tranquility

  clip_image018Rhythm of Nature

clip_image020Sunset Reflections

Natures Majesty

Symphony of the Grand Sails

Graceful Sails

Reaching for the Sun


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