lunedì 1 aprile 2013


I call myself a Street Photographer, though once upon a time one would have simply said “I am a photographer” and that is what it would have meant. Most of my photographs originate in the random chaos of the public space of the street, in the ambient weirdness of everyday life. I expose frames nearly every day and always carry a camera. These images are my personal visual diary. They are not staged; reality is plenty strange enough.

01OaxFence 02 2ndStoryMan

Throughout most of my career I’ve been more drawn to black and white because of the level of abstraction it brings, the distilled monochromatic essence of a frame without the distraction of color. ‘In black and white you look at the faces; in color you look at the clothes.’

04 07 08W4thStairs

That said, I have always worked in color for commercial work. The digital revolution, especially the evolution of the Leica rangefinder that I have always used, has returned me to color street photography. For the first time I am now able to print my own color work to the same standard that I have had in my black and white work. Since late 2010, I have principally concentrated in shooting in color, a much more difficult challenge: Now one must deal with the rainbow of variables that color brings in addition to the problems of subject, moment and composition that have always been there. It has re-invigorated me and my work.

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Born in Philadelphia in 1952, I grew up in Ohio, Utah and Arizona, where I finished High School, College and Graduate School, earning degrees in Political Science and International Business. A series of lack-lustre jobs led me to Louisville, Kentucky, where, in 1984, I lost my head and decided to pursue photography full-time as a vocation. I built my early career in public relations, public events, performance and portrait work.

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After moving to London in 1997, I concentrated on street photography and other personal photographic projects. In July of 2008 I returned to the States and now lives in New York City. My work is in institutional, corporate, and personal collections, including the Museum of London, Bibliothèque Nationale de France and the George Eastman House International Museum of Photography.

25Crow DollheadScooter
All images © Richard Bram

News Stories by Richard Bram

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