giovedì 4 luglio 2013


Faussaire pendant plus de trente ans pour des causes aussi diverses que la Résistance pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, le FLN pendant la guerre d’Algérie, l’opposition aux dictatures européennes (Espagne, Portugal et Grèce) et sud-américaines ou encore l’émigration clandestine des rescapés des camps avant la création d’Israël, Adolfo Kaminsky est un homme de l’ombre qui a consacré sa vie à ses convictions et à une passion : la photographie, métier qu’il a exercé toute sa vie. 
Adolfo Kaminsky, a resistance fighter and an expert in counterfeiting, spent thirty years of his life forging false documents to save lives. During the Second World War, while crafting stamps to make identity cards, Kaminsky discovered photography.
After the war, Kaminsky took thousands of artistic photographs. With his chiaroscuro his vision of the world, his favorite subjects were workers, secrets lovers, merchants, models and mannequins, broken dolls and wandering men with beard. From the flea markets of Saint-Ouen to Pigalle, he captured glances, lonely silhouettes, lights, the elegant and the downtrodden— everything that made up his world.
Throughout his life, Kaminsky’s clandestine activities forced him to sacrifice his artistic ambitions. Not a single one of his photographs was exhibited before 2011.


Il fotografo nato in Argentina e vissuto in Francia, Adolfo Kaminsky (87) in posa con una macchina fotografica “Lorillon” nella sua casa di Parigi. Adolfo Kaminsky partecipò alla resistenza francese specializzandosi nella falsificazione di documenti d’identità (JOEL SAGET/AFP/Getty Images)

clip_image004 clip_image005Pavés

  clip_image006Les Champs-Elysées, la nuit

clip_image007Les Champs-Elysées, la nuit

clip_image008Pigalle, nuit

clip_image009Pigalle, nuit

clip_image010Vagabond, nuit




clip_image014Bord de Seine

clip_image015Mannequin qui pose


clip_image017Les toits

clip_image018Femme aux lunettes rondes, portrait

clip_image019Barbu, l'artisan

clip_image020Barbu, le violoniste

clip_image021Barbu, au café

clip_image022Balayeurs, place de la Bastille

clip_image023Bassin du Luxembourg

clip_image024Homme endormi au jardin

clip_image025Travailleurs au repos, Canal Saint-Martin

clip_image026Clochard qui tricote

clip_image027Puces, outillages

clip_image028Puces, outillages

clip_image029Les puces

clip_image030Puces, ancien manège

clip_image031Mannequins nus et aveugles

clip_image032Poupées disloquées

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