venerdì 20 settembre 2013


Aprile 2012, Nord Kivu, R.D.C. un gruppo di colonnelli e soldati delle forze governative congolesi, FARDC, si ammutina e dà vita a un movimento politico e militare: gli M23. In soli 3 mesi si sono imposti militarmente, conquistando terreno fino al capoluogo Goma, assoggettando la popolazione locale.

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
Africa, R.D.Congo, North Kivu. The Ruzizi River, the natural border between R.D. Congo (on the right of the pic) and Rwanda: lands divided for years by conflict and racial hatred. October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto 

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
Africa, R.D.Congo, North Kivu, Goma. M23, a filo-Rwandan political and military movement, takes its name from the agreements signed on 23 March 2009  ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siegeAfrica, R.D.Congo, North Kivu. Brigadier General Sultani Makenga (seated) of the newly formed Congolese Revolutionary is seen in Rumangabo military camp (Bunagana), Democratic Republic of Congo. The M23 Movement, the newly formed political wing of former M23 rebels, has formed a semi autonomous administration structure in areas under their control in north Kivu province in the DRC. October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siegeIt was the failure to comply with the terms of the peace treaties that triggered the mutiny of a group of officers and colonels of the FARDC, who in April 2012 gave rise to the M23 movement. The support of Rwanda and their impressive potential for waging war has already allowed the Tutsi rebels to conquer and subjugate the province of Ruthshuru. M23 solders patrol the territory under their control. October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siegeAfrica, R.D.Congo, North Kivu. A view of the territory of the Province of Rutshuru, governed by the M23 rebels, successors of the CNDP and accused by both the UN and the government of Kinshasa of being supported by Rwanda. October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
A view of the territory of the Province of Rutshuru, governed by the M23 rebels, successors of the CNDP and accused by both the UN and the government of Kinshasa of being supported by Rwanda. October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
. A mentally ill kid chained is sitting on the edge of the road. He has been shackled by his parents, because he throws rocks against vehicles.. October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
Africa, R.D.Congo, North Kivu, Goma. A view of the city. MONUSCO patrols a street. October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
Africa, R.D.C.- North Kivu, Goma. FARDC, the troops of the government army. Underpaid and without sufficient means, the soldiers at the forefront of the fighting live in tent cities with their families, while those further back and in the city are often guilty of banditry, corruption and violence. On average the salary for a solder of the FARDC is about 50 USD per month. The abandoned airplains on the background of picture are used by the soldiers as haphazard shelters. 25th October 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siegeAfrica, R.D.C.- North Kivu, Goma. 1)M23 rebels congregate outside of Sake, 25km west of Goma, preparing to march back to Goma following orders to withdraw from the city they had occupied since Nov 20. 30th November 2012 ©Marco Gualazzini/LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
Africa, R.D.C.- North Kivu, Goma. 1)Dead Congolese Army soldier lies dead on the side of the road to Rutchuru following fierce fighting as M23 rebels advanced towards Goma. The rebels ordered the closure of the road for one week until Nov 27 when a humanitarian corridor was create to allow INGOs to collect dead bodies. 28th November 2012. ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
Africa, R.D.C.- North Kivu, Goma. 1)M23 rebels congregate outside of Sake, 25km west of Goma, preparing to march back to Goma following orders to withdraw from the city they had occupied since Nov 20. 30th November 2012 ©Marco Gualazzini/LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
 Africa, R.D.C.- North Kivu, Goma. Out of fear of the take-over of Goma by M23 rebels, Thousands people (767,000 have been displaced in the east of Congo since April following the outbreak of war between the M23 rebel movement and the FARDC) fled to refugees camps Mugunga 1 and 3. Many people in this sites say they have witnessed shocking scenes of violence with people being burned in their homes and decapitated. Internally displaced Congolese wait for food to be distributed by WFP at the Mugunga 3 camp outside the eastern Congolese town of Goma. 26th November 2012 ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

M23- Kivu: a region under siege
Africa, R.D.C.- North Kivu, Goma. Out of fear of the take-over of Goma by M23 rebels, Thousands people (767,000 have been displaced in the east of Congo since April following the outbreak of war between the M23 rebel movement and the FARDC) fled to refugees camps Mugunga 1 and 3. Many people in this sites say they have witnessed shocking scenes of violence with people being burned in their homes and decapitated. Internally displaced Congolese wait for food to be distributed by WFP at the Mugunga 3 camp outside the eastern Congolese town of Goma. 26th November 2012 ©Marco Gualazzini/ LUZphoto

Marco Gualazzini was born in Parma in 1976. He began his career as a photographer in 2004, with his home town’s local daily, La Gazzetta di Parma. Over the years he has begun working along with RCS Group and Espresso Group, to name but two. His recent works include reportage photography on microfinance in India, on the media in Laos, on the discrimination of Christians in Pakistan, as well as on Myanmar and Somalia. He devised and took part in the creation of a documentary for the Italian national TV network RAI on the caste system in India. His photographs have been published in magazines such as M (Le Monde), Internazionale and Io Donna and Sette among the others.

All images ©Marco Gualazzini / LUZphoto

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