domenica 10 novembre 2013


Based in Bristol, Simon Garden's talent was first acknowledged by the public during the 1998 Summer Exhibition at Beaux Arts, Bath. He now shows regularly at the Royal Academy and is a young artist who has already obtained a strong national following.
With seductive use of rich colour and texture, and a sense of composition that is at once classically beautiful and daring, Simon Garden strips his landscapes and nudes down to their most elemental. This rare simplicity and purity of vision arouses the subconscious and fires the imagination, drawing us irresistibly into a world both dreamlike and timeless.

17_mansion024054 064 071 044    About Their Business About their Business 1 Bathroom Light Bird 3Blackberry Bird and Me Bright-Day CliffsFavourite Picnic SpotClouds Fantastic Hats 
"Occasionally, just occasionally, one comes across an artist whose work sets the heart beating uncommonly fast. Simon Garden's paintings do just that, drawing the viewer into an extraordinary world, part imaginary, part real" - Brian Sinfield Gallery
"Garden succeeds in mapping the landscapes of our dreams. He communicates directly to our subconscious, unhindered by rationality. His paintings invite a gut-wrenching sense of personal familiarity and recognition" - Beaux Arts, Bath
"The rare simplicity and purity of vision in his painting arouses the subconscious and fires the imagination. He is an artist who creates a sense of composition that is classically beautiful and at the same time, daring" - Red Rag Gallery
"The paintings of Simon Garden reveal a parallel world of haunting mystery ....of legends and myths and memories of long ago, all imbued with a golden light and an atmosphere of suspense" - Derek Balmer, President, Royal West of England Academy
"His work suggests the stuff of myth and legend, but it is never directly translated. The narrative is always oblique, leaving space for invention. Bruegel-like, his creatures, human or animal, immerse themselves in their own concerns" - Evolver Books - Fifty Wessex Artists

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