sabato 4 gennaio 2014


Hamid Sardar-Afkhami is a professional photographer as well as a scholar of Tibetan and Mongol languages who received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. After moving to Nepal in the late 1980’s and exploring Tibet and the Himalayas for more than a decade, he traveled to Outer Mongolia. Seeing the opportunity to create a single important collection concentrating on the last country where the majority of the population are still nomads, Sardar-Afkhami set up a mobile studio camp. With his arsenal of cameras of different formats, he mounts yearly expeditions into the Mongolian outback to document her nomadic traditions.

Dancing-Shaman-Black-Lake-Hovsgol-20071hamid_sardar_mongolia hamid-lowerleft Hamnigin Bear Hunter med_01-shambhalaportal1ll-jpg
med_02-saker-jpgmed_03-deermaidll-jpgmed_07-youngfalconer-jpgmed_06-totemdeer-jpgmed_05-qizilbalfrozenlake2-jpgmed_04-kobesh-raptor-jpgmed_08-bearhuntfantasiall-jpgtc-exhibit-left        Trance-West-Taiga-Hovsgol-2007 tumblr_mh1x1sQFRu1r8ur8jo1_500
All images © Hamid Sardar-Afkhami

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