mercoledì 10 settembre 2014


From a Press Report 2013.
After studying graphic design and holding a teaching position at the Merz Academy (a design school) in Stuttgart, Norbert Becke worked as a freelance graphic designer. Since 1991, he has been the Art Director and managing partner at the JBW GmbH advertising agency, which he founded. Norbert Becke works for many national and international companies, groups and institutions primarily from the IT and consulting industries.
Photography was always an essential part of his work as a designer. Ever since his first trip to Africa in 2001, it has become ever more important. Journeys to Botswana, Morocco, Namibia, Ruanda, Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda then followed. Wildlife photography is his great passion and contact he is inspired again and again from his contact with the natives. His photo documentary work in Laos, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea and India as well as various countries in Africa created from 2008 to 2013 was published in various magazines and awarded numerous prizes. He has created many photo calendars for calendar publishers and companies including MOUNTAIN GORILLAS 2011 with large format wildlife pictures from the rain forests of Ruanda, NAMIBIA 2013 with spectacular wildlife pictures or PEOPLE(S) CHILDREN 2012 with child portraits from all around the world. In addition, his photos have appeared regularly in magazines such as VIEW, the photography edition of Germany’s STERN magazine or on
The editors at STERN have selected Norbert Becke’s pictures as among the best of the year for 2011 and 2010 and have published them in their VIEW magazine.
Norbert Becke makes insightful portraits of people from the remote corners of the planet and displays them in large-format, black and white photographs. They are expressive recordings of individual moments – some proud and self-confident, but also sad and filled with melancholy. They are insights into the souls of the people and MOMENTS of great dignity.

All images © Norbert Becke

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