mercoledì 24 dicembre 2014


In this humorous series of self-portraits, american artist ED WHEELER, steps into classic masterworks of art dressed as the iconic Santa Claus. paying homage to the original paintings, ‘santa classics’ offers art lovers a twist and an additional reason to smile during the silly season. after researching the works of the masters, wheeler felt certain compositions beckoned for a ‘santa intervention’. embarking on a multi-step process to fully integrate the jolly red figure into the lighting, brushstrokes and tonal values of the painting, the famous images are reinterpreted.

L’ironia e la creatività con cui Ed Wheeler affronta le opere dei grandi maestri non può che far sorridere. Teniamo sempre presente che tutte vengono affrontate con grande rispetto e in un certo senso celebrazione dei grandi maestri, ma la grande figura rossa permea lo spazio e si confronta con i protagonisti delle celebri pitture.

All images © Ed Wheeler

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