sabato 10 giugno 2017


“My interest in art started very early and I have quickly realised that it is my destiny.
I am interested in all the areas of art, thus understanding the reality that surrounds
me takes on a new shape and meaning. The images that I paint on canvas are
combination of imagination and emotions, and are transformed in and shrouded
by an aura of extraordinary, surreal world.” 
                                                                                                           Andrzej Gudanski

Andrzej Gudański, thanks to indubitable talent and creative sensitivity, and by
enormous diligence, presents himself today as a mature, already fully formed artist;
and yet still in the process of searching. The artist's work consist of  painting,
printmaking, sculpture and ceramic. He has been drawing and painting from an
early age. He had painted his first works in oil at a tender age of twelve. By the age
of fourteen, he had already begun to sell his works; they were both, oil and
watercolour paintings. He has developed his own and unique style. An artist - a
child of an era in which voices of the end of  history were heard, and in the art the
post-modern currents have won - presents different vision of surrounding him reality.
His paintings are full of poetry, wit, anxiety and are shrouded by extraordinary aura.
What is real cooperates with that what is imagined. The artist seems to have fun at
the unusual, wonderful and absurd. It is impossible to distinguish between the
serious and the frivolous. In his poetic and allegorical paintings the artist has deeply
sketched drama of modern man and his complicated existence.
Invitations coming from reputable galleries from all around the world confirm his
talent and artistic value of his work. website

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