The outer journeys deepen itself into images through which the inner journey also will be visible.
Travel together with Paul Jaarsma into a world of culture, wildlife, nature and spirituality, to eventualy come home into the Silence from which the Creation reveals itself.
Some images of culture and wildlife may be soon history if we do not respect the existence and diversity of those lifeforms.
De paintings of the fine painter Paul jaarsma could be called Imaginary Realism. The images are painted very realistic, but because of the composition of images and colours the paintings gain a deeper meaning.

The artist is constantly touched by the inter-action the forms in the Creation have in common. They all influence each other.
Observing the paintings, thoughts and feelings could fixate the images to a personal judgement, but the painter invites you to be touched by the wonder of Creation and recognize the unmentionable. On this occasion the observer will undergo a spiritual art experience.
Paul jaarsma himself experiences the making of his paintings as passionate and timeless, despite the time consuming and realistic painting technique.
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