lunedì 28 novembre 2016


“I am captivated by stories, driven by the chase for extraordinary beauty and passionate about capturing each moment with integrity and inspiration.
Searching for rarely seen subjects, I’ve traveled to remote corners of the world to chronicle people and places that are truly remarkable. Depicted in their natural environments, they are indigenous cultures and communities through a modern lens; scaled and crafted for the most compelling visual impact.”
Drew Doggett’s photographs might be described as National Geographic meets Vogue, all through a fine-art filter. His subjects—wild horses, weathered hands, windswept dunes—are beautifully balanced with negative space. Drew credits his fashion background with honing his instincts. In his earlier New York days, he assisted several legends in contemporary photography, including Annie Leibovitz and Steven Klein. Those jobs were like a master class in portraiture: how to work with each subject, pick the split second to shoot, and translate his own vision into rich two-dimensionality. We asked the photographer to give us the skinny on the locales and subjects captured in his stunning images.

All images © Drew Doggett 


venerdì 25 novembre 2016


Lauren Rautenbach from South Africa

“I see the world as a collage of fragments captured through the lens. I am inspired by my city and by the history of South Africa, and in all that I do I search for the everyday moments which remind me of my humanity and which illustrate the beauty of living with diversity. I immortalise these moments with the click of the shutter, and this is the reason why I am a photographer before anything else.

In between lapses of self-imposed exile while reading and writing, or encountering the world through my lens, I work with an NGO called Brothers for All in Langa, Cape Town, where we help to break the poverty-crime cycle that characterises so many impoverished communities in South Africa by providing offenders, ex-offenders and vulnerable youth with aspirational technology skills. My photography is used to portray the students and the townships in a different, more positive light.”  kujaja

All images © Lauren Rautenbach

lunedì 21 novembre 2016


These Photos Will Change 
The Way You Look At Strangers
Jay Weinstein is an India/Australia based, Hindi-speaking photographer and travel guide. He has it on good authority that he is of Australian-American-Ukrainian-English heritage, which is not as dramatic as it sounds. He has lived and traveled extensively in India and Nepal working to retain his sense of humor and inner child. So far, so good. In Australia, he regularly collaborates with The Sacred India Gallery in Perth, Western Australia.
 “December 2013. I was on a photography trip to Bikaner, in the deserts of Rajasthan, India. Near the busy train station, I saw a man I wanted to photograph. I hesitated. The look in his eye and his stony, stern look intimidated me. It's always that moment of hesitation that kills a shot! I ended up avoiding him and photographing other subjects until I heard his jovial voice, "Take my picture too!".
Camera lens focused, my finger poised to fire. 'Smile', I called out. And he was transformed. His face radiated warmth, his eyes sparkled with a humor I had completely missed. Even his posture softened. I knew then what my next project would be. So I asked them to smile was born. I wanted to document the effect of the human smile on a strangers face.
In the days, months and years that followed, I asked random people on my photography adventures (mostly on the streets of India) to pose unsmiling and with a smile. These images are the heart of my project. Its goal is to recreate the mindset from which we view a stranger, and then witness as our assumptions transform with their smile.
So there are no names. No occupations. No confirmed religions or ethnicity. No intriguing life lessons or heart strumming anecdotes. Just one human face. Without, and with a smile.”
More info: Facebook | Instagram

All images © Jay Weinstein


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