Un bambino lavora a mano rotoli di bastoncini di incenso. Ci sono poi ivenditori ambulanti di ghiaccio. Altri bambini lavorano molte ore a trasportare gli scarti dei cantieri dove si smantellano navi al di fuori di Bhavnagar, Gujurat. Bambini di sei anni trasportano sacchi di gesso nei pressi del cantieri. Con la corruzione diffusa nelle aree rurali, le leggi sul lavoro minorile sono difficili da applicare Senza, playstation, televisore o un computer a portata di mano, i bambini nei quartieri poveri diventano maestri dell'improvvisazione. Home Sweet Home.”
Recess time in the Playground. The Centre for Development, with the aid of Childreach International provides funding and access to advocacy and education in the slums
The Kite Runner. A young boy takes time to fly a kite while his classmates study in cramped quarters below
Without access to clean water, proper sanitation and medical facilities, children in the slums face seemingly insurmountable conditions.
Enrolled in class, little Riddhi is already beating the odds. We met her on the way to class...holding her tablet like a shield.
A child laborer hand rolls incense sticks.
The Glass peddlers. Young children work long hours hauling scraps near the ship breaking yards outside of Bhavnagar, Gujurat.
Children as young as six work hauling bags of plaster near the ship yards. With corruption rife in the rural areas, child labor laws are difficult to enforce
With no television, playstation or computer handy, children in the slums become masters of improvisation
Though classrooms are small and teaching aids are scarce, for every child in school there's one less working
All images © Martin Prihoda
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