Copyright © 2010 Erberto Zani
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Erberto Zani (Parma, Italy, 1978)

Following a training in applied arts and history of Art, he started doing photography in 1998. Since 2001 he has been devoting a great deal of energy to industrial and advertising photography. From december 2004 at november 2007 he worked also as a reporter for “Gazzetta di Parma”, the oldest italian newspaper (1735), and for a short experience at the newspaper "L'informazione di Parma". As he has always been very concerned with social and humanitarian issues he soon found a natural mode of personal expression also in photojournalism focused ethnographic reportage. Globetrotter, his work includes reportage from Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ghana, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Nepal and Thailand.
Since 2007 he cooperate with the International Onlus AMURT.
Currently he works as photographer and journalist freelance.
Erberto Zani is Editor in Chief for these magazines:
“Amurt Newsletter” (since 2009)
“Arim Salute” (since 2008)
“Inedito Koppel” (since 2005)
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